
PSA: Turn Off Your AirDrop To Protect Your Privacy

It's not as secure as you think it is.

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Chinese tech experts claim to have deciphered Apple's AirDrop encryption

Chinese state-backed experts have reportedly developed a method to identify individuals using Apple's encrypted AirDrop sharing service, as disclosed by the Beijing municipal government. AirDrop enables users to share content with nearby Apple devices without requiring an Internet connection, ensuring that the transmitted data remains encoded and inaccessible to others.

This revelation is particularly significant given the widespread use of AirDrop during the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong in 2019. The Chinese central government, aiming to suppress the protests, has apparently found a way to identify users of this encrypted sharing feature, raising concerns about privacy and surveillance.

Image via CNET

Chinese authorities were able to identify the sender simply through AirDrop

According to an article published on its official WeChat account, the Beijing municipal government stated that forensic firm Beijing Wangshendongjian Technology Co Ltd has successfully overcome the technical challenges associated with tracing anonymous AirDrops.

The firm's breakthrough reportedly prevented the further spread and potential negative impact of inappropriate content on the Beijing subway. In one instance, a passenger's iPhone received an inappropriate video via AirDrop.

AirDrop, a file-sharing service allowing Apple device users to share files with nearby users via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth without disclosing their identity, has been used during various events

Image via Medcom

The feature was used during protests against China's strict COVID-19 restrictions in 2022 and the unrest in Hong Kong in 2019. In its article, the Beijing municipal government emphasised the need to promptly identify the source of transmissions due to the anonymity of AirDrop and the challenges in tracking it, aiming to prevent any negative influence resulting from the misuse of the service.

So, remember to turn off your AirDrop function if you're not actively using it

It's common for Apple users to leave AirDrop turned on as it is unlikely to be hacked. However, in light of this new breakthrough, it may be a good idea to disable the feature whenever it is not in use.

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