
4WD Causes 36-Second Holdup For Ambulance With Semi-Critical Patient On Clear Highway

St John Muar Ambulance stated that there was no justification for the Toyota Hilux to obstruct its path on the clear highway.

Cover ImageCover image via @sjammuar (TikTok)

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A video of a Toyota Hilux blocking the path of an ambulance has gone viral on TikTok, sparking anger among netizens

The video was uploaded by St John Muar Ambulance yesterday, 15 January, and it has so far garnered over 164,000 views.

The 51-second video shows the ambulance speeding on a clear highway before being held up by a white Hilux.

According to the video's caption, the ambulance was transporting a semi-critical patient from Muar, Johor, to Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (PPUM) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

"During the journey, we did not turn on the siren because it could cause the patient stress.

"The Hilux suddenly came into our lane on the right even though they were not overtaking any cars in the middle lane.

"We gave the Hilux some time to become aware of our presence [but they remained oblivious], forcing us to sound our air horn," read the caption.

The 4WD, bearing a Perak license plate, continued to ignore the emergency vehicle even after the ambulance driver activated their siren briefly

The Hilux yielded to the ambulance only after the latter activated a prolonged, resounding siren.

The vehicle held up the ambulance for a total of 36 seconds.

"After we overtook [the Hilux], we saw three individuals laughing inside the vehicle," stated St John Muar Ambulance.

At the time of writing, the video has garnered over 2,500 likes and 715 comments

Many netizens expressed anger towards the Hilux driver for failing to yield to the ambulance.

"Just give the ambulance way. It's not like the ambulance is rushing to their holiday destination," said a TikTok user.

"What baffles me is that if it's a police or Road Transport Department vehicle, [the Hilux] wouldn't even dare to do the same," said another.

Image via TikTok

Some netizens mentioned that it could be a confusing situation, as they are unsure how to respond when an ambulance or police vehicle was behind them without the siren turned on.

"I'm also confused about the siren. If I saw an ambulance at the traffic light with its emergency lights on but no siren, I wouldn't know how to respond," said a netizen, while another person added, "The ambulance needs to sound the siren, or else nobody would know."

Image via TikTok

Watch the incident unfold in the video below:

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