
Still Don’t Have A Credit Card? Here’s How To Choose Which One To Get!

Learn how to choose the right credit card for you.

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It can feel a little out of place if you still don’t own a credit card in your adult life

Owning a credit card can be considered as a milestone in your adulting life. It’s a sign that you are ready for bigger financial responsibility and most importantly, it is a useful financial tool to utilise when it
comes to managing your finances.

One has to be smart though. It is important to take your time to decide on the right credit card to start with. A little thought definitely goes a long way.

Here’s how to choose which credit card to get if you need some help:

Step 1: Identify why you need a credit card

Before signing up for your first credit card, the most important question is identifying why you need it in the first place.

It may differ from one person to another, but in general these are the common reasons why you should own at least one credit card:

1. It helps you build a healthy credit score
When you are committed to clearing your credit card balance on time, it proves to financial institutions that you are a reliable paymaster. This is you building a healthy and positive credit score. When it is time to apply for loans (e.g personal loan, business loan), you are more likely to be approved for it.

2. You can use it for emergencies or when you need fast cash
A credit card allows you to withdraw cash quickly whenever you need it, especially in emergency cases where you need immediate cash flow. You can also use a credit card to pay something urgently (given that you have enough credit balance).

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